About Me

Hello fellow earthling!

My name is Rabih.

I am a university student at Haigazian University in Lebanon. I am pursuing a BA degree in English Language, along with a Political Science minor in International Relations, as well as acquiring a Normal Teaching Diploma; this is where my interest in education has strived.

I have had the privilege of teaching some university students private English communication sessions and public speaking sessions. Recently, I was accepted to become a part time English mentor at the Berlitz Language Center in Beirut, and I started training a few weeks back.

I am always curious about finding new ways and techniques to make education more interesting and fun for the students in class, and that is why I created this blog; to get advice from teachers all around the world, to get involved with new techniques being used, and to benefit from other teachers’ experiences inside and outside the classroom.

So please feel free to comment or post anything related to your experience or advice.

Myself at the National Public Speaking Competition 

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